Authentic and informative conversations with Structural Integrators, Bodyworkers, Yoga Teachers, Healers, Movement Therapists and more. Listening to what inspires them, what brought them to where they are, and their approach on effecting the body, mind and beyond. We want to bridge the worlds of people working and living in these paradigms of knowledge with those who are not yet aware that there are other ways of health, growth and safety. Find out more here https://www.facebook.com/groups/TouchingIntoPresence You can find more about Andrew at andrewrosenstock.com and RolfingInBoston.com
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Episode 55 - Conversations with Dr. Kirstie Segarra
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Today's conversation is with Dr. Kirstie Segarra.
Kirstie Segarra, PhD BCSI RMTI E-RYT C-IAYT is a Doctor of Integrative Medicine and Structural Integrator in Taos, New Mexico. She has been practicing in the healing arts since 1996. She began her inquiry to study of the integration of the arts and spiritual practice in her Master’s degree in Whole System Design focusing on second order biological systems at Antioch University-Seattle in the mid 90’s. In affect, how to create change in biological systems. She studied a traditional form of bodywork in Bali then went on to get her massage therapy license to practice, which led her to study Anatomy Trains Structural Integration with Peter Ehlers through KMI. She focused her doctorate thesis on structural integration series protocol in treatment of Fibromyalgia. She has been a full time faculty at the University of New Mexico-Taos since 2007 where she taught and served as Chair of Integrative Health and Medical Massage, Holistic Healing Arts, created the Medical Massage, Yoga Teacher Training and Structural Integration programs.
In today's conversation we spoke about the school of SI at Taos which Kirstie helped to start, Kirstie path to SI and starting this school, bridging ideologies across SI schools, what her school is offering, being a university program and more.
You can learn more about Kirstie at drkirstie.com
If you enjoyed today's episode, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the podcast and subscribe to it through the platform of your choice. When you do this it really helps other people find us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
You can find more about Andrew at andrewrosenstock.com and rolfinginboston.com
And more about Nikki at nikkiolsen.com
Many thanks to Explorers Society for use of their song " All In" from their majestic album 'Spheres' Please check them out here https://open.spotify.com/album/1plT1lAPWEQ1oTRbWOiXm3?si=eAL08OJdT5-sJ6FwwZD50g
Monday Aug 08, 2022
Episode 54 - Conversations with Caryn McHose
Monday Aug 08, 2022
Monday Aug 08, 2022
Today's conversation is with Caryn McHose.
Caryn McHose has taught perceptual approaches to movement education for over 50 years. Caryn is a Movement Artist, a Certified Advanced Rolfer™ and Rolf Movement® Practitioner, as well as a Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner and Certified Biodynamic Cranial Practitioner. She is the collaborator for Bodystories, A Guide to Experiential Anatomy and The Place of Dance, by Andrea Olsen, and is the co-author (with Kevin Frank) of How Life Moves, Explorations in Meaning and Body Awareness https://www.amazon.com/How-Life-Moves-Explorations-Awareness/dp/1556436181/ref=sr_1_1?crid=15GE0Z58UCOGH&keywords=kevin+frank+how+life+moves&qid=1659083300&sprefix=kevin+frank+how+life+move%252Caps%252C151&sr=8-1&_encoding=UTF8&tag=andrewrosen0b-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=ef094ff08e593f96eb64f68c00c7f67d&camp=1789&creative=9325.
In today's conversation we spoke about Caryn's origins into the world of dance, movement, somatics and eventually Structural Integration, we hear her views on perceptual awareness, different ways and styles of learning, evolutionary movements, meeting people where where we perceive them to be, a lived experience somaticly, being in safe and supported experiences which nourish our nervous systems,
To learn more about Caryn McHose, visit here: https://resourcesinmovement.com/about-the-co-founders/
And you can sign up for her mailing list here https://resourcesinmovement.us3.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=8c0f0cc204442a9ca7f029353&id=fd04c87cdc
If you enjoyed today's episode, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the podcast and subscribe to it through the platform of your choice. When you do this it really helps other people find us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
You can find more about Andrew at andrewrosenstock.com and rolfinginboston.com
And more about Nikki at nikkiolsen.com
Many thanks to Explorers Society for use of their song " All In" from their majestic album 'Spheres' Please check them out here https://open.spotify.com/album/1plT1lAPWEQ1oTRbWOiXm3?si=eAL08OJdT5-sJ6FwwZD50g
Monday May 09, 2022
Episode 53 - Conversations with Ally Gonzalez
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
Today's conversation is with Ally Gonzalez
Ally was born and raised in Colombia until the age of nine. As a result of the political climate of Colombia in the early 2000’s, Ally and her family fled their homeland as a result of death threats and sought out political asylum in Canada. In middle school and high school Ally engaged in sports to balance her academic workload. At the age of 16, Ally began practicing track and field and discovered that she was a very talented runner. Her love for track and field paved a path to what is now her current life.
After graduating high school, influenced by the difficulty of overcoming sport injuries and her curiosity for movement, she went on to study an undergraduate degree in Kinesiology/human kinetics from the University of Western Ontario (London, Canada). she furthered her studies at the Guild for Structural Integration in Salt Lake City, after experiencing such profound transformation with her first Structural Integration Ten-series. Ally graduated as Structural Integration practitioner in 2018, and has been in practice since. She lives, trains and holds her practice in Bogota, Colombia serving her local community. Ally’s continual education focuses on understanding movement through the experiential lens of renowned Structural Integration practitioners such as Mary Bond and Judith Aston, the marriage of connective tissue through the speckles of Gil Hedley, and the metaphysical exploration of herself in elite athletics. Her desire for the future is to continue expanding her knowledge of structural integration while acquiring knowledge and putting together the bits and pieces from the puzzle in her ample inquiry for life. One of Ally’s ultimate life goals is to attend the Olympic games and to be an ambassador of the Structural Integration community as she gains recognition on track. This year she is training hard in hopes of qualifying for the World Championships that will take place in Oregon, USA in the month of July; making this World championship team is a stepping- stone for Ally to achieve her ultimate goal of making the 2024 Olympic games in Paris.
In today's conversation we spoke about the backstory of what brought Ally to track and field and then to Structural Integration, SI with psychology, being a professional athlete and how SI has kept her healthy in this field, being a younger practitioner in a field of many older practitioners and more.
You can learn more about Ally at the following links
Her website: https://dynamicposturesi.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2Dk3uFaHGQ&t=3s
Instagram: NATHIAAH
GoFund me: https://gofund.me/59c43f26
If you enjoyed today's episode, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the podcast and subscribe to it through the platform of your choice. When you do this it really helps other people find us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
You can find more about Andrew at andrewrosenstock.com and rolfinginboston.com
And more about Nikki at nikkiolsen.com
Many thanks to Explorers Society for use of their song " All In" from their majestic album 'Spheres' Please check them out here https://open.spotify.com/album/1plT1lAPWEQ1oTRbWOiXm3?si=eAL08OJdT5-sJ6FwwZD50g
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Episode 52 - Conversations with Dr. Stephen Porges
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Today's conversation is with Dr Stephen Porges.
Stephen W. Porges, Ph.D. is a Distinguished University Scientist at Indiana University where he is the founding director of the Traumatic Stress Research Consortium in the Kinsey Institute. He is Professor of Psychiatry at the University of North Carolina, and Professor Emeritus at both the University of Illinois at Chicago and the University of Maryland. He served as president of the Society for Psychophysiological Research and the Federation of Associations in Behavioral & Brain Sciences and is a former recipient of a National Institute of Mental Health Research Scientist Development Award. He is the originator of the Polyvagal Theory, a theory that emphasizes the importance of physiological state in the expression of behavioral, mental, and health problems related to traumatic experiences. He is the creator of a music-based intervention, the Safe and Sound Protocol ™ , which currently is used by more than 1500 therapists to improve spontaneous social engagement, to reduce hearing sensitivities, and to improve language processing, state regulation, and spontaneous social engagement.
In today's conversation we spoke about the description and the origins of PolyVagal Theory, why understanding PVT is imperative for bodyworkers, how PVT gives a language to embodiment, neuroception, where PVT is going and much much more.
You can find Dr Porges's "The Pocket Guide to the Polyvagal Theory: The Transformative Power of Feeling Safe" at https://www.amazon.com/Pocket-Guide-Polyvagal-Theory-Transformative/dp/0393707873?&_encoding=UTF8&tag=andrewrosen07-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=f017041f95f6f8fe43c2198d144df908&camp=1789&creative=9325
You can learn more about Dr Porges and Polyvagal Theory at https://www.polyvagalinstitute.org/
If you enjoyed today's episode, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the podcast and subscribe to it through the platform of your choice. When you do this it really helps other people find us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
You can find more about Andrew at andrewrosenstock.com and rolfinginboston.com
And more about Nikki at nikkiolsen.com
Many thanks to Explorers Society for use of their song " All In" from their majestic album 'Spheres' Please check them out here https://open.spotify.com/album/1plT1lAPWEQ1oTRbWOiXm3?si=eAL08OJdT5-sJ6FwwZD50g
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Episode 51 - Conversations with Michael Shea
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Today's conversation is with Michael Shea
Michael is one of the preeminent educators and authors in the fields of somatic psychology, myofascial release and craniosacral therapy. He leads seminars throughout the U.S., Canada and Europe.
Dr. Shea received his master’s degree in Buddhist Psychology at Naropa University, and a doctorate in Somatic Psychology at The Union Institute. In 1986, he was certified as one of the first Full Instructors of CranioSacral Therapy by the Upledger Institute.
Dr. Shea has been a Florida Licensed Massage Therapist since 1976, and was an Advanced Rolfer for 20 years. He is a founding member of the International Affiliation of Biodynamic Trainings and the Massage Therapy Body of Knowledge task force (MTBOK).
Dr. Shea brings a unique cross-cultural perspective to teaching health and healing, with a teaching style grounded in a spiritual practice of developing compassion with the use of manual therapy.
He is a formal student of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and past apprentice with a medicine man on the Navajo reservation in Arizona.
Because of the influence of the Dalai Lama, Dr. Shea’s clinical focus is on treating infants and children with neurological problems and developmental delays. This also includes teaching clinical skills for adults that carry pre and perinatal trauma.
In today's conversation we spoke about what brought Michael into massage and bodywork, how he came to Rolfing, how that brought him to Cranio work, differences between biodynamic and biomechanic cranio, metabolic issues, and we leave room for a followup talk to emerge.
You can find Michael's book Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy: The Heart of the Practice here https://www.amazon.com/Biodynamic-Craniosacral-Therapy-Heart-Practice/dp/153008184X?&_encoding=UTF8&tag=andrewrosen07-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=38c74653c1d3f60476342547f35e523d&camp=1789&creative=9325
You can learn more about Michael at www.SheaHeart.com
If you enjoyed today's episode, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the podcast and subscribe to it through the platform of your choice. When you do this it really helps other people find us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
You can find more about Andrew at andrewrosenstock.com
And more about Nikki at nikkiolsen.com
Many thanks to Explorers Society for use of their song " All In" from their majestic album 'Spheres' Please check them out here https://open.spotify.com/album/1plT1lAPWEQ1oTRbWOiXm3?si=eAL08OJdT5-sJ6FwwZD50g
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Episode 50 - Conversations with Tom Myers
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Today's conversation is with Tom Myers
Thomas Myers studied with Drs. Ida Rolf, Moshe Feldenkrais, and Buckminster Fuller, and with a variety of movement and manual therapy pioneers. His work is influenced by cranial, visceral, and intrinsic movement studies he made with European schools of osteopathy. An inveterate traveler, Tom has practiced integrative manual therapy for over 40 years in a variety of clinical and cultural settings. Tom is the author of Anatomy Trains (2020, 4th ed), co-author of Fascial Release for Structural Balance (North Atlantic, 2010, 2017), co-author of Anatomy Trains in Motion Study Guide (2019), author of Body3, The Anatomist’s Corner, Structural Integration: Collected Articles, and BodyReading: Visual Assessment and The Anatomy Trains, and has also written extensively for Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies (Elsevier). He has also produced over 20 online learning courses with Anatomy Trains, and others in collaboration with various body-oriented professional groups. Tom lives and sails on the coast of Maine in the USA. Tom and his faculty conduct professional development courses and certification in Structural Integration worldwide.
In today's conversation we spoke about Tom's history with SI and what led to Anatomy Trains, what differentiates the AT 12 series from a traditional Rolf 10 series, possible pitfalls for early-on bodyworks to avoid, the principles of AT, his experience with Buckminster Fuller and the future of Structural Integration.
You can learn more about Tom at https://www.anatomytrains.com/about-us/about-tom-myers/
You can find the most recent edition of his Anatomy Trains book,
Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual Therapists and Movement Professionals 4th Edition at https://amzn.to/3sVTuxV
If you enjoyed today's episode, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the podcast and subscribe to it through the platform of your choice. When you do this it really helps other people find us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
You can find more about Andrew at andrewrosenstock.com
And more about Nikki at nikkiolsen.com
Many thanks to Explorers Society for use of their song " All In" from their majestic album 'Spheres' Please check them out here https://open.spotify.com/album/1plT1lAPWEQ1oTRbWOiXm3?si=eAL08OJdT5-sJ6FwwZD50g
Monday Jan 17, 2022
Episode 49 - Conversations with Bob Shrei
Monday Jan 17, 2022
Monday Jan 17, 2022
Today's conversation is with Bob Schrei.
Bob has four decades of experience as a student, apprentice, practitioner and teacher of energy medicine. He is a Certified Advanced Rolfer, Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapist, and co-originator of SourcePoint Therapy®. This energetic and hands-on healing system evolved from his thirty-plus years experience in bodywork, as well as extensive personal study in vibrational medicine, sacred geometry, shamanic healing and Zen meditation.
In addition to Bob’s research and study, the essential principles of SourcePoint Therapy® were explored and formulated in intuitive readings with his wife and partner in healing work, Donna Thomson. With a B.A. in architecture and a Masters of Fine Arts, Bob also incorporated his lifelong interest in structure and pattern into SourcePoint Therapy®, which he developed, refined and tested for ten years before beginning to teach in the United States and Europe. This process of refinement and development continues as SourcePoint Therapy evolves.
From 1970-1985 Bob was a student and teacher at the Rochester Zen Meditation Center. As a former Zen teacher Bob brings a unique perspective to the field of energetic healing and manual therapy, helping his students develop sensitivity to the subtleties of working with energy and bring a heightened awareness to their healing work.
Bob currently resides in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he maintains an active private practice of SourcePoint Therapy® in addition to teaching it worldwide.
In today's conversation we spoke about Bob's history with Zen, Esoterics and Rolfing, The 10 series as a ritual, how SourcePoint emerged, basics of SourcePoint, what is "presence," and "embodiment," his artistic painting endeavors related to sourcepoint and more.
You can learn more about Bob at https://sourcepointtherapy.com/
His book Sourcepoint Therapy, Exploring the Blueprint of Health can be found here https://amzn.to/3tB4ZwI
In today's call again there was some internet issues and the occasional delay in audio.
If you enjoyed today's episode, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the podcast and subscribe to it through the platform of your choice. When you do this it really helps other people find us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
You can find more about Andrew at andrewrosenstock.com
And more about Nikki at nikkiolsen.com
Many thanks to Explorers Society for use of their song " All In" from their majestic album 'Spheres' Please check them out here https://open.spotify.com/album/1plT1lAPWEQ1oTRbWOiXm3?si=eAL08OJdT5-sJ6FwwZD50g
Monday Dec 27, 2021
Episode 48 - Conversations with Liz Stewart
Monday Dec 27, 2021
Monday Dec 27, 2021
Today's conversation is with Liz Stewart
Liz Stewart, BCSI, draws from 30 years of experience as a highly accomplished Structural Integration (aka Rolfing®) practitioner, trainer and somatic supervisor/consultant. Beyond her hands on work, she provides one to one and group educational support for bodyworkers, bodywork educators, mental health professionals and coaches. Liz supports and challenges her clients to understand and make full use of themselves in their work. Liz’s approach to her work is engaging, connective and supportive, much like the fascial network that holds our bodies together, and includes a strong emphasis on body awareness. Her understanding of tensional forces, integration and connection sets Liz apart as a somatic supervisor and trainer.
She aids her clients in learning their own body’s cues and triggers that speak in mysterious ways. Liz has been working online for the past 8 years and brings her experience in Structural Integration, movement awareness, Polyvagal Theory, neural vascular techniques, Modern Group Psychotherapy, TraumaDynamics®, decoding body language and DARe attachment therapy. Liz’s work has been described as “comprehensive, deeply transformative, highly intuitive, observant, and fun.”
In today's conversation we spoke about Liz's history and what brought her to the SI world, what brought her to the Guild, where she has grown from and into, the importance of language and semantics to this field, why and how she developed her area of SI Supervision and the importance of supervision, networking and connection for practitioners.
You can learn more about Liz at www.lizstewartSI.com and contact her at
On the day of the call there were outages on Zoom's side and you'll hear occasional delays and stutters from this, and we do apologize for that.
If you enjoyed today's episode, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the podcast and subscribe to it through the platform of your choice. When you do this it really helps other people find us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
You can find more about Andrew at andrewrosenstock.com
And more about Nikki at nikkiolsen.com
Many thanks to Explorers Society for use of their song " All In" from their majestic album 'Spheres' Please check them out here https://open.spotify.com/album/1plT1lAPWEQ1oTRbWOiXm3?si=eAL08OJdT5-sJ6FwwZD50g
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Episode 47 - Conversations with Mary Bond
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Today's conversation is with Mary Bond
Mary Bond studied with Ida Rolf from 1969 to 1972. Emeritus Movement Faculty of the Rolf Institute, she has been involved in the development of movement education for SI from the early days with Judith Aston to the current evolution through the work of Hubert Godard.
She is the author of Balancing Your Body, the New Rules of Posture, and Your Body Mandala: Posture and Presence. She has also produced a DVD: Heal Your Posture. Since 2020, Mary has been offering online workshops for SI practitioners and other somatic educators. It is her joy to share her perspective of movement education.
In today's conversation we spoke about Mary's background as a dancer and finding the work of Ida Rolf, Rolfing and Rolf Movement History, Tensegrity and Perceptual Tensegrity, Body Mandala, how to work with Mary, and more.
You can learn more about Mary and read her blog at www.healyourposture.com. Or reach her directly: mary@healyourposture.com
Her Books can be found here
Your Body Mandala: Posture as a Path to Presence https://amzn.to/3KlFLYO
The New Rules of Posture: How to Sit, Stand, and Move in the Modern World https://amzn.to/3xqQdZ9
If you enjoyed today's episode, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the podcast and subscribe to it through the platform of your choice. When you do this it really helps other people find us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
You can find more about Andrew at andrewrosenstock.com
And more about Nikki at nikkiolsen.com
Many thanks to Explorers Society for use of their song " All In" from their majestic album 'Spheres' Please check them out here https://open.spotify.com/album/1plT1lAPWEQ1oTRbWOiXm3?si=eAL08OJdT5-sJ6FwwZD50g
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Episode 46 - Conversations with Todd Hargrove
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Today's conversation is with Todd Harrgrove
Todd is a an author, blogger, and manual and movement therapist. He completed training programs in the Feldenkrais Method and Rolfing. He used to be an attorney.
In today's conversation we spoke about Todd's background as a Rolfer, Feldenkrais Practitioner, blogger and now podcaster. We discuss pain science, what rolfing is to him, how he got into this field, and more.
You can find out more about Todd at toddhargrove.substack.com
His Books can be found here
A Guide to Better Movement: The Science and Practice of Moving With More Skill And Less Pain
Playing With Movement: How to Explore the Many Dimensions of Physical Health and Performance
If you enjoyed today's episode, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the podcast and subscribe to it through the platform of your choice. When you do this it really helps other people find us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
You can find more about Andrew at andrewrosenstock.com
And more about Nikki at nikkiolsen.com
Many thanks to Explorers Society for use of their song " All In" from their majestic album 'Spheres' Please check them out here https://open.spotify.com/album/1plT1lAPWEQ1oTRbWOiXm3?si=eAL08OJdT5-sJ6FwwZD50g
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Episode 45 - Conversations about John Lodge
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Today's talk is a little different than our usual talks as we are in conversation about former Rolfer, Actor, and Artist John Lodge. We speak with his ex-wife Margaret VanderWaerden and EGSI Founder Ales Urbanczik about who he was, how he came to this work and what marvels he has left behind.
A new book has come out from the European Guild for Structural Integration about John and the work he was given from Dr Ida Rolf. They have pieced together parts of this work with additional sections by other Structural Integrators sharing their comments and stories. It's truly a great book for the beginner and the advanced practitioner, I can't recommend enough.
We started with a little tech issues, and because of this our usual introduction has been cut off. We find our conversation beginning with Margaret talking about who John Lodge was and we just role on from there.
The book we speak about can be purchased here https://rolfguild.ch/JohnLodgeBook.html
If you enjoyed today's episode, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the podcast and subscribe to it through the platform of your choice. When you do this it really helps other people find us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
You can find more about Andrew at andrewrosenstock.com
And more about Nikki at nikkiolsen.com
Many thanks to Explorers Society for use of their song " All In" from their majestic album 'Spheres' Please check them out here https://open.spotify.com/album/1plT1lAPWEQ1oTRbWOiXm3?si=eAL08OJdT5-sJ6FwwZD50g
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Episode 44 - Conversations with Scott Zamurut - Round 2
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Today's conversation is with Scott Zamurut
Scott RCST® is a student, practitioner, and teacher of somatic and energetic healing arts with over 30 years in the field. Scott’s broad training background includes massage therapy, Polarity Therapy, private mentoring in structural integration, group leadership and dynamics, and ontological coaching. All of these studies support his primary focus in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST), and Pre and Perinatal education and healing.
As a student and teacher trainee in the first BCST training with Franklyn Sills in the US, Scott is among the longest tenured Biodynamics teachers in North America. He worked with Franklyn, and other senior British teachers for 12 years during his time as a student and teacher trainee.
He was also fortunate to work extensively in the Pre and Perinatal field with Karlton Terry, who was mentored by and taught with William Emerson, Ph.D. These two streams of healing work are alive as the core focus of Scott’s healing and teaching practice.
Scott served as a founding board member of the Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America, and is a past Vice President of the American Polarity Therapy Association. He lives and teaches s in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
In today's conversation we spoke about what exactly is pre and perinatal work, going into history and philosophy of this exciting realm, and honestly to try to describe what we talk about here just won't do it justice. A really important and educational conversation and still Scott finds ways to make it amusing and enjoyable.
You can find out more about Scott at https://www.scottzamurut.com/
If you enjoyed today's episode, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the podcast and subscribe to it through the platform of your choice. When you do this it really helps other people find us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
You can find more about Andrew at andrewrosenstock.com
And more about Nikki at nikkiolsen.com
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Episode 43- Conversations with Maria Cristina Jimenez
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Today's conversation is with Maria Cristina Jimenez OTR.
María Cristina, is an occupational therapist and a Certified Advanced Rolfer. She has been a yoga teacher since 2001, a Rolfer® since 2012, and a Certified Advanced Rolfer® since 2016. In 2021 she became a registered and licensed OT, specializing in hand therapy. After surviving a horrific car accident and near-death experience at 15, she developed PTSD. Consequently, she's spent her entire life healing her body and helping to heal others. She brings decades of deep somatic studies as well as insights from living with PTSD. María Cristina holds a BA in Theatre and a minor in Women’s Studies from Holy Cross in Worcester. She holds an MFA from The New School in Manhattan. Her second Master's is in occupational therapy from USC. She's also a Fulbright Scholar who researched murder of women by men motivated by sexism in Costa Rica. Originally from San Juan, Puerto Rico, she resides in Los Angeles.
In today's conversation we speak all about Maria Cristina's life history that has brought her through to all the work which she now offers. A rich talk indeed.
You can find out more about her at www.mariacristinarolfer.com, on Instagram at @mcyogirolfer and the link to subscribe to her newsletter is:
If you enjoyed today's episode, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the podcast and subscribe to it through the platform of your choice. When you do this it really helps other people find us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
You can find more about Andrew at andrewrosenstock.com
And more about Nikki at nikkiolsen.com
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Episode 42 - Conversations with Jane Harrington
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Today's conversation is with Jane Harrington
Jane is a graduate from the first Rolf Movement training in 1979. She is Rolf Institute emeritus faculty having taught both the movement certificate and Basic Rolf Trainings.
She graduated from the school of education at UNM, taught for a few years and moved to her passion - dance. She received a masters in dance from Lone Mountain College in San Francisco which lead to her deepening understanding of movement and movement analysis. This was when the Rolf Institute opened the movement training. Jane had a practice doing rolf movement for almost ten years before being certified as a Rolfer.
For close to 35 years she taught for the Rolf institute , much of that time was in developing the expansion of the work with her teaching partner, VivianJaye.
In today's conversation we spoke about Jane's history with Rolfing, Rolf Movement and Dance, the principles of Rolfing, on being in health, and much more.
If you would like to connect with Jane her email is janech@mac.com
She has returned to New Mexico and lives close to the Rio Grande and the beauty she loves.
There seemed to be some internet issue on my side, causing audio issues during my speaking moments. I am greatly sorry for this and have done my best to edit it up as much as possible.
If you enjoyed today's episode, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the podcast and subscribe to it through the platform of your choice. When you do this it really helps other people find us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
You can find more about Andrew at andrewrosenstock.com
And more about Nikki at nikkiolsen.com
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Episode 41 - Conversations with Dr Martha Eddy
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Today's conversation is with Dr Martha Eddy
Martha is a Registered Somatic Movement Therapist, Teacher of Body-Mind Centering® and Certified Movement Analyst with a doctorate in Movement Science, who has served on the faculties at Empire State College - SUNY, Columbia, Princeton and New York University. She became the First Ferraro Fellow of Social Justice and Movement at Marymount Manhattan College in 2018. She is also the founding director of the non-profit organization Moving For Life, as well as the somatic movement therapy training Dynamic Embodiment and the Center for Kinesthetic Education. She co-founded Moving On Center with Carol Swann to bring somatics and social change in 1994
Martha is a passionate advocate for health through somatic awareness and active embodiment, with a lifelong commitment to the art of dance.
In today's conversation we spoke about Martha's rich and diverse history with the somatic arts, her chart mapping the history of the somatic field and it's history, principle based practices, and much more.
You can find out more about Dr Eddy at DrMarthaEddy.com
Please buy her amazing book Mindful Movement: The Evolution of the Somatic Arts and Conscious Action here https://amzn.to/3e3vIc1
There seemed to be some internet issue on my side, causing audio issues during my speaking moments. I am greatly sorry for this and have done my best to edit it up as much as possible.
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You can find more about Andrew at andrewrosenstock.com
And more about Nikki at nikkiolsen.com