Authentic and informative conversations with Structural Integrators, Bodyworkers, Yoga Teachers, Healers, Movement Therapists and more. Listening to what inspires them, what brought them to where they are, and their approach on effecting the body, mind and beyond. We want to bridge the worlds of people working and living in these paradigms of knowledge with those who are not yet aware that there are other ways of health, growth and safety. Find out more here https://www.facebook.com/groups/TouchingIntoPresence You can find more about Andrew at andrewrosenstock.com and RolfingInBoston.com
Monday Feb 19, 2024
Episode 70 - Conversations with Andrew And Nikki - Nikki's Closure (for now)
Monday Feb 19, 2024
Monday Feb 19, 2024
Alright Touching Into Presence listeners, today is a different kind of show. Today will be Andrew and Nikki in a conversation about Nikki’s Closure of the show for now. We talk about how our lives have changed since Nikki first came on as co-host and why the closure seems right for now. We talk about what may be coming down the line for this show and more. It was an emotional conversation for me as I’ve really enjoyed the dynamic the two of us have had over these 3 years and there is an unknown and different future on the horizon. I am grateful for Nikki and how she has shown up over these 3 years and I am glad to have made a good friend in her from this. I look forward to seeing where her path takes her. I am also excited for some future plans of this show. In some ways, this closure episode will lead beautifully into those. So with that, let’s have a listen to the talk.
If you enjoyed today's episode, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the podcast and subscribe to it through the platform of your choice. When you do this it really helps other people find us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
You can find more about Andrew at http://andrewrosenstock.com
And more about Nikki at http://nikkiolsen.com
Many thanks to Explorers Society for use of their song " All In" from their majestic album 'Spheres' Please check them out here https://open.spotify.com/album/1plT1lAPWEQ1oTRbWOiXm3?si=eAL08OJdT5-sJ6FwwZD50g
Monday Feb 05, 2024
Episode 69 - Conversations with Carl Rabke
Monday Feb 05, 2024
Monday Feb 05, 2024
Today's Conversation is with Carl Rabke
Carl is a Somatic Naturalist, Embodiment teacher, and a tender of soul and living culture. For the last 25 years, he has practiced and taught where the streams of somatics, soul-work, and a deep love of this living Earth meet. He is a Feldenkrais and Structural Integration practitioner, and loves to support people in returning to, and remembering our natural, inherent intelligence in movement, meditation, ritual, song, rhythm and community. He also hosts the Embodiment Matters Podcast with his beloved wife, Erin. You can find out more about him at https://embodimentmatters.com/about-carl/
In today’s talk we speak about the importance of movement in structural integration, the role of somatics in releasing patterns of holding or trauma, the potential of technology to reduce our sensory experience, the impact of technology on society and human attention, the role of emotions in physical responses, animism and the potential of connecting with nature for personal growth and healing.
If you enjoyed today's episode, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the podcast and subscribe to it through the platform of your choice. When you do this it really helps other people find us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
You can find more about Andrew at http://andrewrosenstock.com
And more about Nikki at http://nikkiolsen.com
Many thanks to Explorers Society for use of their song " All In" from their majestic album 'Spheres' Please check them out here https://open.spotify.com/album/1plT1lAPWEQ1oTRbWOiXm3?si=eAL08OJdT5-sJ6FwwZD50g
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Episode 68 - Conversations with Jeffrey Burch Round 2
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Today's Conversation is with Jeffrey Burch.
A Certified Advanced Rolfer™, Jeffrey has extensively studied and integrated into his Hands-On Therapies both Cranial Manipulation and Visceral Manipulation. He has developed groundbreaking new joint mobilization methods.Jeffrey Burch received a BA in biology from the University of Oregon in 1975, after which he trained at The Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® in Boulder, Colorado, receiving his Certification as a Rolfer in 1977.He first practiced Rolfing® Structural Integration in London, and later in Seattle and Honolulu before returning to his native Eugene, Oregon, in 1989. At the time he was in London there were only a half dozen Rolfers in Europe. He accepted invitations to Rolf groups of people in Oslo, Stockholm, Trondheim, and Tehran. He now lives in Eugene Oregon offers continuing education classes. Jeffrey Burch received his Rolfing Advanced Certification in 1990, after which he again began studying at the University of Oregon where he received a second BA in Psychology in 1993 and a Master of Science in Counseling in 1995.
In today's conversation we spoke about some of the Rolfing 10 series history, its relevance today, Jeff’s development of assessment methods from Barral’s to his own, the release of his new book, his upcoming classes, working with bone, working with different schools and in different cultures, a way of working with intuition and more..
Find out more about Jeff from his website http://www.jeffreyburch.com
If you enjoyed today's episode, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the podcast and subscribe to it through the platform of your choice. When you do this it really helps other people find us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
You can find more about Andrew at http://andrewrosenstock.com
And more about Nikki at http://nikkiolsen.com
Many thanks to Explorers Society for use of their song " All In" from their majestic album 'Spheres' Please check them out here https://open.spotify.com/album/1plT1lAPWEQ1oTRbWOiXm3?si=eAL08OJdT5-sJ6FwwZD50g
Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Episode 67 - Conversations with Don Hanlon Johnson
Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Today's conversation is with Don Hanlon Johnson
Don is no stranger to the embodied and somatic work, he’s been involved in this field since long before many of us have been born. Now in his 90’s he has been involved with so many of the pioneers and lineage holders of this field. A blurp written by Don about himself reads, “As I move into my twilight years, I am aware that the seeds that brought forth my current work were planted over half a century ago when I had my first post in teaching philosophy at what is now Loyola Marymount in Los Angeles while participating with Carl Rogers in his research project on the efficacy of student-centered learning in the school system of the Immaculate Heart sisters from kindergarten through their university. That intersection of Rogerian humanistic psychology with the experiential tradition of Socratic and Husserlian philosophy, my long history of meditation, and my first visits to the newly born Esalen Institute, gradually shaped a comprehensive approach to the education of therapists and healers, bringing together the cutting-edge theoretical, with relevant experiential dimensions, and the intellectual aspects of developing an embodied consciousness. After studying and practicing the work of Ida Rolf, I founded the first masters degree program in Somatic Psychology and succeeded in having it authorized by license-granting state boards. I was a professor in that program for some 30 years. I am now teaching in newly launched Somatics emphasis in the doctoral program of Integral and Transpersonal Psychologies. My website has more detailed information."
This was really a dream come true for me. Don was one of the people I had in mind to talk with when I created this podcast. Further proof that with hard work and diligence, dreams can come true. And they can be even more rewarding than imagined.
Todays talk ran the gamut of Rolfing history, phenomenology and other topics of which Don is an experienced and knowledgeable sage of. Instead of my usual forewords, let’s just hop into this exciting and informative talk.
To learn more about Don please visit https://donhanlonjohnson.com/
If you enjoyed today's episode, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the podcast and subscribe to it through the platform of your choice. When you do this it really helps other people find us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
You can find more about Andrew at http://andrewrosenstock.com and http://rolfinginboston.com
And more about Nikki at http://nikkiolsen.com
Many thanks to Explorers Society for use of their song " All In" from their majestic album 'Spheres' Please check them out here https://open.spotify.com/album/1plT1lAPWEQ1oTRbWOiXm3?si=eAL08OJdT5-sJ6FwwZD50g
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Episode 66 - Conversations with Michael Shea Round 3
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Today's conversation is with Michael Shea
Michael is one of the preeminent educators and authors in the fields of somatic psychology, myofascial release and craniosacral therapy. He leads seminars throughout the U.S., Canada and Europe.
Dr. Shea received his master’s degree in Buddhist Psychology at Naropa University, and a doctorate in Somatic Psychology at The Union Institute. In 1986, he was certified as one of the first Full Instructors of CranioSacral Therapy by the Upledger Institute.
Dr. Shea has been a Florida Licensed Massage Therapist since 1976, and was an Advanced Rolfer for 20 years. He is a founding member of the International Affiliation of Biodynamic Trainings and the Massage Therapy Body of Knowledge task force (MTBOK).
Dr. Shea brings a unique cross-cultural perspective to teaching health and healing, with a teaching style grounded in a spiritual practice of developing compassion with the use of manual therapy.
He is a formal student of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and past apprentice with a medicine man on the Navajo reservation in Arizona.
Because of the influence of the Dalai Lama, Dr. Shea’s clinical focus is on treating infants and children with neurological problems and developmental delays. This also includes teaching clinical skills for adults that carry pre and perinatal trauma.
In today's conversation we spoke about body shame, myths and outdatedness of BMI, contemplative practice of eating, interoceptive awareness and it’s importance, repairing relationships, sovereignty, and a ton more. It’s always great to be in conversations with Michael and we hear from so many of you how much you enjoy these talks.
You can find Michael's book The Biodynamics of the Immune System: Balancing the Energies of the Body with the Cosmos here https://www.amazon.com/Biodynamics-Immune-System-Balancing-Energies/dp/1644115255/?&_encoding=UTF8&tag=andrewrosen08-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=2cdba1d04b455978d20c55c689844aa8&camp=1789&creative=9325%22
You can learn more about Michael at www.SheaHeart.com
If you enjoyed today's episode, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the podcast and subscribe to it through the platform of your choice. When you do this it really helps other people find us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
You can find more about Andrew at andrewrosenstock.com
And more about Nikki at nikkiolsen.com
Many thanks to Explorers Society for use of their song " All In" from their majestic album 'Spheres' Please check them out here https://open.spotify.com/album/1plT1lAPWEQ1oTRbWOiXm3?si=eAL08OJdT5-sJ6FwwZD50g
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Episode 65 - Conversations with Suzanne Picard
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Today's conversation is with Suzanne Picard.
Suzanne Picard is a Certified Advanced Rolfer and Rolfing Movement Therapist, in practice since 1992. Over the past 30 years she has deepened her studies with several styles of movement modalities, cranial sacral therapies and osteopathic inspired trainings in the nuero, vascular and visceral systems. She has been a faculty member of the Rolf Institute since 1996, at various times being chair of the Rolfing Movement and the Foundations of Somatic Practice Departments. She is a practicing visual artist with an MFA is sculpture. Suzanne cultivates the technical and the art of her manual therapy.
In today's conversation we spoke about a many topics related to Embodiment, Rolf Movement, Suzanne and her practice and a bunch more. This was one of those talks that was so easy and fun while also being incredibly informative. Like old friends catching up, we were bouncing around many interrelated topics and we are sure you will enjoy and get a lot out of this one.
To learn more about Suzanne please visit http://www.suzannepicard.com
If you enjoyed today's episode, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the podcast and subscribe to it through the platform of your choice. When you do this it really helps other people find us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
You can find more about Andrew at http://andrewrosenstock.com and http://rolfinginboston.com
And more about Nikki at http://nikkiolsen.com
Many thanks to Explorers Society for use of their song " All In" from their majestic album 'Spheres' Please check them out here https://open.spotify.com/album/1plT1lAPWEQ1oTRbWOiXm3?si=eAL08OJdT5-sJ6FwwZD50g
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Episode 64 - Conversations with Andrea Olsen
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Today's conversation is with Andrea Olsen.
Andrea Olsen, performer, author, and educator, is a Professor Emerita of Dance at Middlebury College, and a certified instructor of Holden QiGong and Embodyoga. She is author of a quartet of books on embodiment: Bodystories: A Guide to Experiential Anatomy, Body and Earth: An Experiential Guide, The Place of Dance: A Somatic Guide to Dancing and Dance Making with colleague Caryn McHose, and Moving Between Worlds: A Guide to Embodied Living and Communicating, along with numerous articles and chapters in anthologies_._ Recent projects include continuing the Body and Earth: Seven Web-Based Somatic Excursions film project with Scotty Hardwig and Caryn McHose (http://body-earth.org) and performing “Awakening Grace: Six Somatic Tools”.
In today's conversation we spoke about a wide gamut of topics including how Andrea came to be the powerhouse that she is, we discuss the creative and artistic processes, her books and the importance they have on a global spectrum, being an educator, embodiment, non-verbal communication, the release of her new book, and as always so much more. We hope to have her on again and explore even more topics along the spectrum of being a living, breathing embodied being.
To learn more about Andrea please visit https://andrea-olsen.com/
You can find her books everywhere books can be found, be it your local independent bookstore or here on amazon https://amzn.to/3TWjN40
Andrea has some upcoming talks in the next few weeks and you can find out more when you see her schedule here: https://andrea-olsen.com/schedule/
If you enjoyed today's episode, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the podcast and subscribe to it through the platform of your choice. When you do this it really helps other people find us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
You can find more about Andrew at http://andrewrosenstock.com and http://rolfinginboston.com
And more about Nikki at http://nikkiolsen.com
Many thanks to Explorers Society for use of their song " All In" from their majestic album 'Spheres' Please check them out here https://open.spotify.com/album/1plT1lAPWEQ1oTRbWOiXm3?si=eAL08OJdT5-sJ6FwwZD50g
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Episode 63 - Conversations with Hiroyoshi Tahata
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Today's conversation is with Hiroyoshi Tahata.
Hiro has worked as a Rolfer since 1998. He joined the Rolf Movement faculty of the Rolf Institute® in 2009. He brings to this work a depth of creativity and understanding that integrates the principles of structure and function through a gentle and non-invasive approach to transformation. His background in biochemistry clearly bridges the inquiry between science and art. From his experience with doctors, Hiro understood that it is possible to heal a living organism with very little stimulation.
The essence of the Art of Yield came out of his collaboration with his mentor, Carol Agneessens. With the support of his mentor and much clinical research with clients, Hiro found a way to incorporate the Art of Yield into the 10 series of Rolfing.
In collaboration with Yojiro Katayama, the originator of Migama Seitai, Hiro continues to explore the art of incorporating the Japanese concept of 'ma'. His latest work, uses 'ma' to promote a profound experience and physical geometric balance ; to find out more and see before and after photos from the work, visit https://yielding.work/
Hiro provides Rolf Movement® certification program and continues to study/teach Spatial Somatics and the Art of Yield with his colleagues internationally.
In today's conversation we spoke about Hiro’s path to today, what yield is to Hiro (and me), safety and spatial awareness, I share a story of my experience of receiving Hiro’s work, and a moment of closure in Hiro’s mother tongue and the difference of embodied speech.
This was a very enjoyable conversation to me as we were navigating language differences, language processing time relations and cultural relations towards speaking. I had to be in a different relation to how I spoke and listened with Hiro, and this was really a gift for me in a reminder of how to be in space with someone. Thank you for that Hiro! Because of the importance of space here I purposely left more of the space between speakers in than I usually do when I edit as it felt very important to me to also get a sense of Hiro and his approach. This episode will have a different tempo than others and we hope that this brings another type of experience for you as well.
To learn more about Hiro please visit https://rolfinger.com/
If you enjoyed today's episode, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the podcast and subscribe to it through the platform of your choice. When you do this it really helps other people find us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
You can find more about Andrew at http://andrewrosenstock.com and http://rolfinginboston.com
And more about Nikki at http://nikkiolsen.com
Many thanks to Explorers Society for use of their song " All In" from their majestic album 'Spheres' Please check them out here https://open.spotify.com/album/1plT1lAPWEQ1oTRbWOiXm3?si=eAL08OJdT5-sJ6FwwZD50g
Friday Dec 23, 2022
Friday Dec 23, 2022
Today we are back in conversation with Ales about the documentary he recently released about Structural Integration, "Finding the Line - An Exploration of Structural Integration."
This movie tells the story of an adventure that will take the viewer into Ida Rolf's world of Structural Integration. At the heart of the movie are 8 students and their quest to understand Ida Rolf's philosophy during their 3 year Basic Trainings in Milano, Prague and Warsaw.
The movie also explains the basic ideas behind Structural Integration and discusses some recent research into connective tissue and fascia.
You can find more about "Finding The Line" at https://vimeo.com/ondemand/structuralintegration
You can also find more about the training Ales and the EGSI offer at https://rolfguild.eu/BasicTrainingInternational.html
If you enjoyed today's episode, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the podcast and subscribe to it through the platform of your choice. When you do this it really helps other people find us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
You can find more about Andrew at andrewrosenstock.com and rolfinginboston.com
And more about Nikki at nikkiolsen.com
Many thanks to Explorers Society for use of their song " All In" from their majestic album 'Spheres' Please check them out here https://open.spotify.com/album/1plT1lAPWEQ1oTRbWOiXm3?si=eAL08OJdT5-sJ6FwwZD50g
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Episode 61 - Conversations with Mark Johnson
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Today's conversation is with Mark Johnson.
Mark is the Philip H. Knight Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Emeritus, in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Oregon. His research has focused on the philosophical implications of the role of human embodiment in meaning, conceptualization, reasoning, values, and knowing, especially from the perspective of embodied cognitive science and pragmatist philosophy. His recent work develops a naturalistic account of mind and knowing. He is co-author, with George Lakoff, of Metaphors We Live By (1980) and Philosophy in the Flesh (1999) and author of The
Body in the Mind: The Bodily Basis of Meaning, Imagination, and Reason (1987), Moral Imagination: Implications of Cognitive Science for Ethics (1993), The Meaning of the Body: Aesthetics of Human Understanding (2007), Morality for Humans: Ethical Understanding from the Perspective of Cognitive Science (2014), Embodied Mind, Meaning, and Reason (2017), Aesthetics of Meaning and Thought (2018), and Out of the Cave: A Natural Philosophy of Mind and Knowing (2021).
In today's conversation we spoke about what brought Professor Johnson to this field, Metaphors as a foundation of how people view their world and to find meaning, dualism of mind body, cultural ontologies, non-absolutism, embodiment and awareness, world structuring and so much more.
I had some technical difficulties before we really got started and you'll hear me come into the conversation a bit abruptly because of that, I apologize for this.
To learn more about Mark please visit https://blogs.uoregon.edu/markj
You can find his amazing and classic book "Metaphors We Live By" here https://www.amazon.com/Metaphors-We-Live-George-Lakoff/dp/0226468011?&_encoding=UTF8&tag=andrewrosen0b-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=d3680c932c70f6019f23413a09dc2720&camp=1789&creative=9325
If you enjoyed today's episode, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the podcast and subscribe to it through the platform of your choice. When you do this it really helps other people find us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
You can find more about Andrew at andrewrosenstock.com and rolfinginboston.com
And more about Nikki at nikkiolsen.com
Many thanks to Explorers Society for use of their song " All In" from their majestic album 'Spheres' Please check them out here https://open.spotify.com/album/1plT1lAPWEQ1oTRbWOiXm3?si=eAL08OJdT5-sJ6FwwZD50g
Monday Nov 21, 2022
Episode 60 - Conversations with David Davis
Monday Nov 21, 2022
Monday Nov 21, 2022
Today's conversation is with David Davis.
David is a Rolf Structural Integration practitioner and instructor recently relocated to Tucson, Arizona where he continues to bring the beauty that is The Work of Dr. Ida P. Rolf to his new home.
During his first Structural Integration session he anticipated relief from chronic pain and disability due to sports injuries, physical labor, and an auto accident, but he was in awe with the new sense of comfort, relaxation, and natural mode that resulted. As his body, mind, and spirit were awakened through the holistic manipulation of fascia and alignment of the body structure, David was inspired to began a new life journey. He began his training at the Rolf Institute in 1976 – 1977, during the time when Dr. Ida P. Rolf was alive and Rolfing℠ and Structural Integration were synonymous.
That first session would lead him to becoming the seventh Rolfer℠ in the state of Colorado, practicing The Work for 45 years, and being an instructor for 33 years. David has been one the most well respected and sought-after teachers of SI nationally and internationally.
In today's conversation we spoke about David's experience as a Rolfer in the 1970's, how to build a practice as an SI practitioner, a lot of great stories and anecdotes from a practitioner with over 40 years of experience who studied with Dr Rolf, Emmett Hutchins, Peter Melchior and many other original Rolfers, technique vs process, PerSoma, "seeing" and bodyreading, and a ton more.
To learn more about David, please visit https://www.rolftucson.com/
If you enjoyed today's episode, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the podcast and subscribe to it through the platform of your choice. When you do this it really helps other people find us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
You can find more about Andrew at andrewrosenstock.com and rolfinginboston.com
And more about Nikki at nikkiolsen.com
Many thanks to Explorers Society for use of their song " All In" from their majestic album 'Spheres' Please check them out here https://open.spotify.com/album/1plT1lAPWEQ1oTRbWOiXm3?si=eAL08OJdT5-sJ6FwwZD50g
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Episode 59 - Conversations with Michael Mathieu
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Today's conversation is with Michael Mathieu
Michael started struggling with low back issues in the late 80s while working as an electrical engineer at Eastman Kodak Company. Two Rolfer‘s in Rochester, New York were able to help him. He quit his job to go west and do his Rolfing training which was completed in 1993. Visceral manipulation greatly elevated his work and he dived deeply into that field of study. In 2012 Michael crashed on his mountain bike and suffered massive damage to his neck and spinal cord creating quadriplegia. That injury opened a door to take to his work energetic and eventually long distance. Michael lives in Boulder, Colorado and is actively building his practice as both a long-distance manual therapist treating clients and mentoring practitioners seeking to build their skills with hands-on manual therapy or long distance manual therapy. He also offers his skills as a health coach supporting people with chronic health issues and especially oxalate toxicity. Oxalates are a plant poison that he believes every body workers should know about since they can create significant damage to connective tissues as well as many other maladies. Michael is currently three years into his own healing journey from oxalate toxicity, which has returned some almost normal sensation to parts of his paralyzed arms.
In today's conversation we spoke about Michael's path to the world of wellness, his life altering bike accident, working from a place of quadriplegia, transition to hands-off work, about working hands off, dialoging, and where his practice is taking him and more.
You can learn more about Michael at michaelmathieu.com and on
Instagram at Carnivorequad
If you enjoyed today's episode, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the podcast and subscribe to it through the platform of your choice. When you do this it really helps other people find us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
You can find more about Andrew at andrewrosenstock.com and RolfingInBoston.com
And more about Nikki at nikkiolsen.com
Many thanks to Explorers Society for use of their song " All In" from their majestic album 'Spheres' Please check them out here https://open.spotify.com/album/1plT1lAPWEQ1oTRbWOiXm3?si=eAL08OJdT5-sJ6FwwZD50g
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Episode 58 - Conversations with Michael Shea Round 2
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Today's conversation is with Michael Shea
Michael is one of the preeminent educators and authors in the fields of somatic psychology, myofascial release and craniosacral therapy. He leads seminars throughout the U.S., Canada and Europe.
Dr. Shea received his master’s degree in Buddhist Psychology at Naropa University, and a doctorate in Somatic Psychology at The Union Institute. In 1986, he was certified as one of the first Full Instructors of CranioSacral Therapy by the Upledger Institute.
Dr. Shea has been a Florida Licensed Massage Therapist since 1976, and was an Advanced Rolfer for 20 years. He is a founding member of the International Affiliation of Biodynamic Trainings and the Massage Therapy Body of Knowledge task force (MTBOK).
Dr. Shea brings a unique cross-cultural perspective to teaching health and healing, with a teaching style grounded in a spiritual practice of developing compassion with the use of manual therapy.
He is a formal student of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and past apprentice with a medicine man on the Navajo reservation in Arizona.
Because of the influence of the Dalai Lama, Dr. Shea’s clinical focus is on treating infants and children with neurological problems and developmental delays. This also includes teaching clinical skills for adults that carry pre and perinatal trauma.
In today's conversation we spoke about metabolic and vascular health, social media on our health and perceptual awareness, his new book, working with ancient cosmological systems in modern incorporations, intentionality and more.
You can find Michael's book Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy: The Heart of the Practice here https://www.amazon.com/Biodynamic-Craniosacral-Therapy-Heart-Practice/dp/153008184X?&_encoding=UTF8&tag=andrewrosen07-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=38c74653c1d3f60476342547f35e523d&camp=1789&creative=9325
You can learn more about Michael at www.SheaHeart.com
If you enjoyed today's episode, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the podcast and subscribe to it through the platform of your choice. When you do this it really helps other people find us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
You can find more about Andrew at andrewrosenstock.com
And more about Nikki at nikkiolsen.com
Many thanks to Explorers Society for use of their song " All In" from their majestic album 'Spheres' Please check them out here https://open.spotify.com/album/1plT1lAPWEQ1oTRbWOiXm3?si=eAL08OJdT5-sJ6FwwZD50g
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Episode 57 - Conversations with Postures For Peace
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Today's conversation is with our previous guest Liz Stewart. Liz has just started a non profit called "Postures for Peace" and asked us to have a short conversation to help get the word out as support is needed right now.
To donate online please visit https://givebutter.com/8MpvpG
A proper website is being developed as I type this, details to come.
From the givebutter site. "This project will help a group of Healthcare practitioners, Rolfers® and Structural Integration Practitioners (SIPs) in Central and Eastern Europe and their communities that are in need of more skills while living in a high stress region due to war in Ukraine.
Resources will go towards providing self care skills for practitioners in this region and teaching them specific skills they need to treat their clients in these affected communities."
If you enjoyed today's episode, we'd appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the podcast and subscribe to it through the platform of your choice. When you do this it really helps other people find us, and we greatly appreciate your support.
To get the link, make a direct donation or find out more email Liz at:
You can find more about Andrew at andrewrosenstock.com and rolfinginboston.com
And more about Nikki at nikkiolsen.com
Many thanks to Explorers Society for use of their song " All In" from their majestic album 'Spheres' Please check them out here https://open.spotify.com/album/1plT1lAPWEQ1oTRbWOiXm3?si=eAL08OJdT5-sJ6FwwZD50g
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Episode 56 - Conversations with Kevin McCarthy
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Today's conversation is with Kevin McCarthy.
Kevin is a Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner, Advanced Rolfer™ and Rolf Movement Practitioner™ specializing in the effects of trauma and chronic pain on the body.
Fascinated with the interplay in the body between emotional patterns and physiological adaptations that commonly emerge in response to traumatic events, Kevin was led to study Somatic Experiencing after 10 years as a manual and movement therapist. He views the integration of somatic approaches into the wider field of trauma work as a crucial and necessary element in the healing process of those suffering from the effects of trauma.
In 2017 Kevin co-founded Mend Therapy, a thriving private practice in Minneapolis, Minnesota with his wife Carrie Miller, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist specifically to address this relationship between somatic and psychotherapeutic approaches to trauma. Mend Therapy offers an integrated model of care alongside a commitment to compassion and hope for all those who have been affected by trauma. He regularly consults with and educates health providers, manual therapists and psychotherapists on the importance and role of somatic intervention in the effective management of trauma.
In today's conversation we spoke about Kevin's experience as a Rolfer and Somatic Experience Practitioner, what we may be doing as Rolfers (and/or other bodywork modalities) outside of normative models of touch and manual manipulations, social media on the bodily experience, working with trauma, enhancing agency in clients, reframing, and much more.
To learn more about Kevin, visit here: www.mendmn.com
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You can find more about Andrew at andrewrosenstock.com and rolfinginboston.com
And more about Nikki at nikkiolsen.com
Many thanks to Explorers Society for use of their song " All In" from their majestic album 'Spheres' Please check them out here https://open.spotify.com/album/1plT1lAPWEQ1oTRbWOiXm3?si=eAL08OJdT5-sJ6FwwZD50g